Color Spaces made by 1.13 2013-06-04

Total volume of gamut is 788,409 cubic colorspace units

Acer S202HL-1
size = 8448 bytes
CMM = 0x0
Version = 2.1.0
Device Class = Display
Color Space = RGB
Conn. Space = XYZ
Date, Time = 23 Feb 2012, 20:42:51
Platform = Microsoft
Flags = Not Embedded Profile, Use anywhere
Dev. Mnfctr. = 0x0
Dev. Model = 0x0
Dev. Attrbts = Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
Rndrng Intnt = Perceptual
Illuminant = 0.964203, 1.000000, 0.824905 [Lab 100.000000, 0.000498, -0.000436]
Creator = 'XRCM'

ICC profile graph was rendered as Profile Default for 'Rndrng Intn'
Description = Acer S202HL-1.icm
Copyright = Copyright X-Rite, Inc.
Total volume of gamut is 895,218 cubic colorspace units

size = 8448 bytes
CMM = 0x0
Version = 2.1.0
Device Class = Display
Color Space = RGB
Conn. Space = XYZ
Date, Time = 19 Jan 2012, 13:24:14
Platform = Microsoft
Flags = Not Embedded Profile, Use anywhere
Dev. Mnfctr. = 0x0
Dev. Model = 0x0
Dev. Attrbts = Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
Rndrng Intnt = Perceptual
Illuminant = 0.964203, 1.000000, 0.824905 [Lab 100.000000, 0.000498, -0.000436]
Creator = 'XRCM'

ICC profile graph was rendered as Profile Default for 'Rndrng Intn'
Description = SyncMaster.icm
Copyright = Copyright X-Rite, Inc.

Total volume of gamut is 833,600 cubic colorspace units

sRGB Color Space Profile
size = 3144 bytes
CMM = 'Lino'
Version = 2.1.0
Device Class = Display
Color Space = RGB
Conn. Space = XYZ
Date, Time = 9 Feb 1998, 6:49:00
Platform = Microsoft
Flags = Not Embedded Profile, Use anywhere
Dev. Mnfctr. = 'IEC '
Dev. Model = 'sRGB'
Dev. Attrbts = Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
Rndrng Intnt = Perceptual
Illuminant = 0.964203, 1.000000, 0.824905 [Lab 100.000000, 0.000498, -0.000436]
Creator = 'HP '

ICC profile graph was rendered as Profile Default for 'Rndrng Intn'
Copyright = Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company
Description = sRGB IEC61966-2.1

Total volume of gamut is 1,209,986 cubic colorspace units

size = 560 bytes
Version = 2.1.0
Device Class = Display
Color Space = RGB
Conn. Space = XYZ
Date, Time = 11 Aug 2000, 19:51:59
Platform = Macintosh
Flags = Not Embedded Profile, Use anywhere
Dev. Mnfctr. = 'none'
Dev. Model = 0x0
Dev. Attrbts = Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
Rndrng Intnt = Perceptual
Illuminant = 0.964203, 1.000000, 0.824905 [Lab 100.000000, 0.000498, -0.000436]
Creator = 'ADBE'

ICC profile graph was rendered as Profile Default for 'Rndrng Intn'
Copyright = Copyright 2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Description = Adobe RGB (1998)